Political State Podcast: Paycheck to Paycheck (NewsOK)

The Oklahoman's Ben Felder and Dale Denwalt host their ninth episode of "Political State," a weekly podcast that looks at the world of politics on a state, local and federal level. This week, they're joined by Andy Moore, executive director of Let's Fix This, and Effie Craven, board member of Let's Fix This.

The Oklahoman's Ben Felder and Dale Denwalt host their ninth episode of "Political State," a weekly podcast that looks at the world of politics on a state, local and federal level. This week, they're joined by Andy Moore, executive director of Let's Fix This, and Effie Craven, board member of Let's Fix This.


Press Release: Arts and Advocacy: Let’s Fix This Joins Oklahomans for the Arts to Train Advocates, Support Arts at Capitol


Watching HB 1270 at the Capitol as an Average Joe (NonDoc)