Let's Fix This

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Table Meeting Notes (4/22/22)

Welcome & Introductions

Status update from Clean Up Oklahoma [Slides; they are also embedded below]

Table Updates

  1. Update re: Groundwork Project expansion to Oklahoma

  2. Update on redistricting / gerrymandering

  3. Voter registration, deep canvassing, and GOTV program opportunities starting soon.

  4. Reminders: 

    1. Please complete Annual Table Member Survey

    2. New research reports in G Drive folder

      1. “All the People, All the Places: A Landscape of Opportunities in Rural and Small-Town Civic Engagement”

Discussion of legislative activities

  1. Budget / OK Policy: sales tax relief is still alive, fines & fees still alive, income tax (HB3350) still alive, as is the bill that funds SQ781. The passage of 

  2. ACLU - Criminalizing loitering / protesting is dead, HJR1002 (sigs in all counties) dead, 

  3. OEA - community schools is good, still alive, has traction. Payroll deduction SB634 is being whipped (Gov wants it); SB1579 only affects 9 people in the state

  4. PLAC - bill to move school board elections to other dates still alive, had to suspend the rules to make it happen. Not great.


  1. OK Policy Budget Breakfasts: Tulsa 4/22 & OKC 4/25, 7:30-9:30am. (Registration forthcoming.)

  2. Civics Day 4/27. Advisors needed - sign up here

  3. Student voter reg drive 4/28 (Contact Amy Curran to volunteer)

  4. OpenPrimaries.us virtual event 4/29 - How Closed Primaries Disproportionately affect Latino & Asian Voters: Register here

  5. OK Policy Day at the Capitol 5/2 @ 10am [Register]

  6. Civics Con will be Jun 10-11 in Norman, theme is “GeoCivics: Designing Stronger Communities.”  Partners welcome! Presenters needed!

  7. Upcoming Table meetings:

    1. May 13 (in-person) & 27 (virtual)

    2. June 10

    3. July 8

    4. August 12

    5. September 9

    6. October 14

    7. November 11

    8. December 9 

Slides from Clean Up Oklahoma presentation: