How to Vote by Mail


Just a quick reminder that any registered voter in Oklahoma can vote by mail – no excuse necessary! (Although a pandemic is certainly a worthy excuse!) All you have to do is sign up online.

We made this quick "how-to" video for requesting an absentee ballot:

And here's some Step-By-Step instructions, in case you're into that kind of thing. I was overly detailed; it's really pretty simple.

  1. Go to the state's Online Voter Tool website.

  2. Enter your name and date of birth, then click "Find Me."

  3. Scroll down a bit; below the blue Voter Services heading you'll see a checkbox for "Request an Absentee Ballot." Check that, then click the blue "Begin" button at the bottom.

  4. On the next screen you will need to enter your Driver's License number (or a state ID) and/or the last four digits of your Social Security number. If you have a Voter ID PIN, you can enter that as well. (I honestly don't know what that is.)

  5. Read the instructions, scroll to the bottom, check the two affirmation boxes, and then click the blue "Validate Me" button.

  6. On the next screen, select the reason you are requesting an absentee ballot and check whichever box is appropriate for you. Most people will fall into the last category listed: "All other voters.

  7. Scroll on down and decide if you'd like an absentee ballot for just one election or for all elections for the remainder of the calendar year. (You have to renew your absentee status annually.) Select which ever one you want. (I suggest "all," especially in year like this when things are so uncertain.)

  8. Below that, you can enter your phone number and/or email address if you'd like to (and you should, because the Election Board will notify you of upcoming elections!)

  9. And finally, if you are an Independent (or "Unaffiliated") voter, you can choose which party's primary & run-off ballots you'd like to receive. (At this time, only the Democratic Party allows Independents to vote in their primaries, so that's your only option.)

  10. Click the blue "Continue" button.

  11. The next page is just a confirmation of everything you've entered and a final attestation that it's all valid & correct. Look it over, check the three boxes, type your name, click Submit and you're all done!


What are we voting on? (June 2020 Edition)


2020 State of the State (full text transcript)